صفحه اصلی Articles English Translate of Abstracts of Farsi Articles in Quarterly No. 27

English Translate of Abstracts of Farsi Articles in Quarterly No. 27

11 دقیقه خواندن

The violence of the Baha’is of Sisan

Asghar Heydari


Sisan village is in the East Azarbaijan province in the northwest of Iran. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, this village was the largest Baha’i village in the northwest of the country. The Baha’i propaganda methods there include threats with guns, financial aid to poor Muslims, marriage of Baha’i girls to young Muslims, sending Baha’i doctors, sending Baha’i missionaries, buying Muslim lands and weakening their economic power, showing Baha’i films (along with providing examples in this article ). Some activities of the Baha’is of Sisan village and the organizational support of the Baha’is there have been investigated. Examples of violence that Baha’is have done for various reasons, such as being involved in the attack on the students of Faiziyeh School, conflicts with Muslims for various reasons, such as being sent them  to the military services, have been presented. The historical performance of the Baha’is after the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the face of the guidance of the scholars and their enlightening conversations has also been studied and it has been observed that due to the Islamic propaganda, a number of Baha’is became Muslims and the Baha’i organization ordered the general migration of the Baha’is from there and then they were claimed that they were oppressed. They showed that the Muslims expelled them, but according to the available evidences, there was no compulsion on their migration or oppression against them at that time.


Baha’i, Sisan, East Azarbaijan, Faizyeh, sectarian violence

Mirza Yahya Nouri: “Azal” or “Sobhe Azal “?

Seyyed Moqdad Nabavi Razavi


Mirza Yahya Noori (the successor of Mirza Ali Muhammad Bab and the opponent of the leadership of Mirza Husayn Ali Baha’u’llah) is one of those whose personality, status and works analysis has a fundamental role in the correct understanding of the history and teachings of Babies and Baha’is. Among the Baha’is, he was known by nicknames such as “Thamareh”, “Vahid Azam”, “Vajh”, “Noor”, “Azal” and “Sobhe Azal”, but the Baha’is called him “Azel” at best. This article, in continuation of the previous research (Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri, from “Bahá” to “Baha’u’llah”), aims to answer the question that according to what is left of the chapter, whether Mirza Yahya Nouri was named “Azal ” and Can “Sobhe Azal ” be memorized or not? Examining the works of the Báb and his followers shows that he can be called by both nicknames, unlike Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri, for whom neither “Bahá” nor “Baha’u’llah” were nicknames derived from the Báb’s teachings.


Key words

Mirza Ali Mohammad Bab, Mirza Yahya Nouri, Azal and Sobhe  Azal

Aasoo Media

Repeating the experience of liberal social thinking in Iran or

 whitewashing the performance of the Baha’is!

Mohammad Hosseini


Media is one of the subsets of Taslimi Foundation in Santa Monica, USA. In the first part of this article, we talked about Taslimi Foundation. Also, the Aasoo media tries to present an intellectual reading of the Baha’i teachings by promoting the liberal thought of the West. It was said earlier that from the beginning of the 70s, some Baha’is tried to revise the Baha’i teachings, especially in the field of social affairs. The problem started from the fact that Baha’i claimed to present modern teachings, but many of its teachings did not correspond to modern thoughts. This incident caused a group of Baha’i intellectuals to express critical views and even challenge the Universal House of Justice Baha’i organization.  Consequently, this group was soon caught in censorship and rejection of Baha’i by the blades of the UHJ, But another Baha’is with secret silent support of UHJ , without the slightest criticism of the Baha’i teachings and the double function of the UHJ, tried to present a modern narrative of the Baha’i teachings by creating an epistemological metamorphosis, and without directly changing the views of the first Baha’ism views . In line with the activities of the second group, Aasoo media tries to present a completely positive narrative of Baha’i by whitewashing the performance of Baha’i and without referring to the critics’ point of views. The performance of this media can be seen in line with the propaganda of UHJ organization.



Aasoo Media, Taslimi Foundation, Liberalism, Bait al-Ad, UHJ.

Introducing the book of “Life of Yahya Najji”

First part:

Mirza Yahya Dolatabadi, from the Bab movement

 to the constitutional movement

 Seyyed Mohammadhadi Sajjadi


Mirza Yahya Daulatabadi is one of the prominent political and cultural figures of the last half of the Qajar kingdom and the era of Reza Shah Pahlavi. This article aims to show in four parts, by reviewing the book “The Life of Yahya Najji” (written by Seyyed Meqdad Nabavi Razavi), showing what he deliberately did not bring from his past and hidden life and was not published in the documents. Knowledge of such untold things in Iran’s history has an important place in its analysis. The first part of this article – which can be read now – is a review of the historical points of the book “The Life of Yahya Najji”.


Mirza Hadi Dolatabadi, Mirza Yahya Dolatabadi, Naser Dolatabadi and Hayat Yahya’s book

Master Seyyed Mohammad Mohit Tabatabai: the personality  of knowledge, grace and politeness special research in Baha’i works

Abdolhossein Fakhari



Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Mohit Tabatabayi (1280-1371 solar) was one of the most prominent literary, cultural, historical researchers, critics and writers of Iran and left behind many research works. The professor has conducted a unique research on the subject of Baha’ism in their original and historical books, and with his expertise in original texts , he has shown that the original Baha’i works such as Kitab Aqdas and Kitab Iqan have not been immune from falsification, distortion and forgery, and the heart of reality. This volume of scientific, literary and textual inadequacies in these two books shows that this religion is human and not divine. He has also done historical research and challenged about the main Baha’i history books.

Key word

Seyyed Muhammad Mohit Tabataba’i, Baha’ism, Babism, Kitab Aqdas, Kitab Iqan, Baha’i historical books, the successor of Sayyid Bab

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